2024 in 113-ish pictures here
2024 was a year of many changes, a reminder of the impermanence of things. It was a fun year with memories I'll cherish.
The role at Atato ended, and it hurt, honestly—I truly enjoyed being part of such a multicultural team. But there wasn't much I could do about it—startups and funding, y'know.
I dove into crypto white hat recoveries, and boy, has it been exciting! From Tx bundling (flashbots, jito) to zk paymasters, custom contracts, wallet bricking, and multi-plexing, every head-to-head with a hacker taught me something invaluable. I also learned how to create Solana programs, even got Ackee Certified.
CTF creation shifted from being just a hobby to something I got paid for. Working with Hakluke and the Haksec team has been exciting.
Prompt engineering also became something I got paid for (more like AI jailbreaking). The downside is being unable to post about it.
I picked up some cybersec certifications: Pentest+, eJPT, eWPT, PNPT, OSCP. I got to spend more time with my loved ones—something I'm deeply thankful for. I learned more about my Dad and also started boxing. I bought some land. A company my brother and I are building won a grant. I submitted some vulnerability reports. I cut my twists with the promise to myself that I’d achieve certain milestones before my hair grew long enough to twist again. I didn’t hit all my goals for the year. Posted 0 articles. Tweeted less than 100 times. Didn’t reach a $1M valuation. Didn’t see or visit my sister like I promised.
I also learned some harsh, lifelong lessons about trust, alliances, and the nature of two-faced people.
I'm grateful for family, for friends, for opportunities, for well-wishers and for love.
2025 will be all about being intentional and building stability.